Thursday, January 19, 2012

Banana Smoothie! Had to share!

I am currently sipping a banana smoothie and watching the Colbert Report, and I think that I must absolutely share this delicious concoction!
In my beautiful KitchenAid mixer that my rockstar husband got me for Christmas, I mixed:
  • One frozen banana, cut in half
  • About 3 spoonfuls of 0% plain greek yogurt
  • 2 packets of splenda
  • About a cup of vanilla almond milk
  • 2 ice cubes
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon
I turned it on liquefy and let it go until smooth!

To be fair, I think I have a superpower with smoothies.  Everything I make in a smoothie is absolutely delicious!  Now I know that sounds conceited... but I can't contain my own amazing skillz in this area.  I will continue making amazing smoothies because with great power comes great responsibility!

I'm totally kidding. I hope that the sarcasm came across :)


  1. Ha ha. I LOVE smoothies!!! Thanks for sharing some of your smoothy awesomeness with your readers! :)

    1. Haha smoothies are so great!! They're so sweet and tasty... and they help curb my obsession with ice cream! I think my smoothy awesomeness right now is just because I've not actually tried anything too adventurous. My old smoothy posts were made in this ridiculously old blender that I accidentally melted on the stove top one time. Oops!


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